Saturday, April 11, 2009

Day 3

Wow, now my confidence is really up. I went out early today and found a large motorcycle shop near home. I only went in with the intention of having a look at the bikes but of course I ended up stealing something, and what a something that was!

Today I managed to walk out with a beautiful Shoei full-faced helmet.

Oh yeah!

The idiots behind the counter had no idea what I was there for. Once again they were too engrossed in themselves to care what the customers were up to. You can definitely tell when the store is run by the owner; the owner wouldn't allow it to happen. I just walked out holding it in front of me. With staff like that I probably could have worn it out without being noticed

I might go back next Sunday and try for a motorbike, it's probably doable.

Shoei Helmet = $350


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