Monday, April 13, 2009

Day 4

When was this invented?!?

I'm making more money from shoplifting than from any of my other scams.

Today I only hit 2 stores but walked away with $620 worth of gear.

I walked into a major store and easily took 2 pairs of Nike Air Max shoes, one of which was in my size. Yay! Once again I didn't bag them but just walked out holding them in my hands. They wouldn't have fit in my bag anyway, I'd just shoved 7 DVDs in there. Ha ha.

At the next store I bagged 2 beanies with the Jim Beam logo on them and then grabbed 2 brand new Akubra hats off a shelf and walked out. I had a good look at these hats wen I got home and they are beautiful pieces, very well made.

My eBay auctions are starting to finish now. So far I've managed to raise $418 from selling only a little of the gear I've stolen; not bad for the little work I've put in.

See ya soon.
Nike Shoes = $240
Beanies = $20
DVDs = $100
Akubra Hats = $260
Stolen Total = $2,720
eBay Total = $418