Friday, April 10, 2009

My First Day

I looked around the internet and read all the "how to" guides and watched a few interesting videos on Youtube. After researching the various methods I decided to use what is known by shoplifters as a "boost bag" or "magic bag". This is simply a bag that has had the inside lined with around 30 layers of kitchen foil to evade the detectors at most store entrances.

Instead of using a shopping bag like most others I decided to put mine in a backpack instead. I built a cardboard box that fit in my bag perfectly and lined it with around 40 sheets of foil to be safe.

The box originally had a flap covering the top

The box fits very snugly in the backpack

Easy access

I put the backpack on and looked at myself in a full length mirror; the backpack just screams THIEF! I then decided to use normal shopping bags instead. The foil would be too noisy so I left the foil out which means I wouldn't be taking tagged items. Oh well!

Today is the day. Despite being told in all the guides to dress normally I decided a suit was the way to go. I showered, shaved and put on my best Armani suit and windsor-knotted tie; if there's a chance of having a mug shot taken I wanted to look my best.

I took a taxi to the nearest major shopping mall to start my new career. Upon arriving I started to case a few smaller stores to see what staff were doing, the store layout and security procedures.

After about half an hour I went in for the kill. I had 3 shopping bags in my left hand, the front one with some of my clothing and the 2 behind it were empty. This was a travel store and was very busy, I just walked in and when no-one was looking I slipped a pack of toilet seat covers into a bag. It was small I know, but it was a start.

What most surprised me afterwards was how calm I was when doing it. I honestly didn't feel one bit nervous, it was like I was on auto-pilot.

The next store I hit I scored a bottle of Penfold's wine. Not a bad wine going by the reviews on the web. That was easily slipped into one of my bags while I was standing behind a wine rack.

The next store was a little better. First up I took a nice box of Spalding golf balls and a classy bow tie. After that I slipped a pair of Arnette sunglasses into my bag and then spotted a nice pair of Nike shoes in my size. These were a little bulky for the bag so I picked them up and walked out of the store holding them in front of me.

The next store I hit was a large chain, I was a little worried about this one as there were cameras everywhere. Noting there was no-one checking bags on the way out I thought this would be a breeze. This store did however have sensors at the exits so I knew to be careful. I went to the electronics sections and after carefully checking for sensor tags managed to get a nice Sony camera and a Sony Wireless Mic for Handycams into my bag. I won't tell you how I got these as this would give away my very well though out ruse. I also bagged a Vanguard Camera Case, some Duracell batteries and an Energizer portable phone charger. What a great score!

Upon leaving that store I noticed there was someone at the exit now checking bags; she must have been on a break when I entered. I tried to walk past and as I was right next to the lady I heard her ask "excuse me sir, can I see your bag?"

I read up on the rights of stores and customers while doing my research and noted that store security has no right to search a bag or person without permission, unless they have witnessed the items being concealed.

Knowing this I walked straight past her and could hear her voice become more stern while asking "sir, sir...excuse me". I just kept walking and pretended I couldn't hear her. Now I was crapping myself, she was following me.

I felt the adrenaline pumping through my veins and knew if I was caught I would definitely be charged. I read this stores policy when doing my research and they prosecute all shoplifters without exception.

She dropped off after a short distance and started running back to the store, probably to ask a manager what to do. As soon as I got to the corner I had a quick look back and noticed no-one following me. As soon as I was around I quickened my pace while removing my jacket. My sunglasses fell out of my pocket so I had to stop to retrieve them, I was desperately hoping that security wouldn't turn that corner.

I thought this was a good time to leave so quickly headed out to the bus stop and jumped on the bus that was just about to leave. I knew security would be out there to check if they were alerted so didn't care where the bus was going. It took me a good half an hour to stop shaking.

Have a look at the photo for my total haul, not bad for an hours work. I have listed some of the items on Fencebay and will update you on how they go.

Sony Camera = $170
Sony Mic = $230
Wine = 40
Bow Tie = $45
Golf Balls = $10
Seat Covers = $5
Camera Case = $45
Charger = $15
Batteries = $10
Sunglasses = $90
Nike Shoes = $140

Total = $800


Man that was way too easy! I'm going again tomorrow. At this rate I'll be travelling around Europe again in about 10 weeks.

Be careful!

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